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Sponsorship and becoming a member of
The Visalia Players at the Ice House Theater

We appreciate the generosity of the community to help keep our theater going! Your contributions to the Visalia Players allows us to bring the arts to the Central Valley which brings joy to so many!  Below learn how you can become a member of the Visalia Players

Membership of the Visalia Players

Membership of the Visalia Players allows the community to have a voice as to who is on the Board of Directors and on making some decisions as to things we do at the theater. Members receive a discount on all of our drinks sold at the theater. Membership is a $20 donation. To become a member, please fill out this form. 


























Here are the different ways you can sponsor

The Ice House Theater. 


1. Scene Stealer  ($100): Will have their name or business name on our website and in all the programs printed for the upcoming season. Scene Stealers will also have will also receive to  two (2) complimentary tickets to a show of their choice.  
2. Supporting Actor ($150): Will have their name or business name on our website and in all the programs printed for the upcoming season. Supporting Actors will also have will also receive four (4) complimentary tickets to a show of their choice. .
3. Lead Actor ($250): Will have their name or business name on our website and in all the programs for the upcoming season. Lead Actors will also receive one (1) complimentary Season Ticket. 

4. Producer ($500): Will have their name or business name on our website and in all the programs for the upcoming season. Producers will also receive two (2) complimentary Season Tickets plus will have their name or logo as a sponsor for one show of their choice in the season. 

5. Co-Show Sponsor ($750): Will have their name or business name on our website and in all the programs for the upcoming season. Co-Show Sponsors will also receive three (3) complimentary Season Tickets plus will have their name or logo as a sponsor for one show of their choice in the season. 

6. Show Sponsor ($1,000): Will have their name or business name on our website and in all the programs for the upcoming season. Producers will also receive four (4) complimentary Season Tickets plus will have their name or logo as a sponsor for one show of their choice in the season. 

7. Season Sponsor ($2,000): Will have their name or business name on our website and in all the programs for the upcoming season. Producers will also receive eight (8) complimentary Season Tickets plus will have their name or logo as a sponsor for all of the shows in the season. 



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Visalia Players Sponsor Form
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